
One small voice.

Posts tagged nature
Material World

Furthermore, these centralised economies and globalisation have additional impacts, favouring industrial enterprise, which operate on global scales and forgetting that ecosystem management sometimes occurs at the local scale (Norgaard, 1997, p. 222). In essence therefore, the “fossil-fuel-driven economy” has had a direct impact on how we have developed our economies and marginalised our protection of the environment. 

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A Case for the Miracle Plan // Bamboo

As we continue our endeavour to reach endlessly toward the skies, the construction industry is faced with not merely how to keep these structures structurally stable, but also how to build the temporary scaffolding from which to erect these structures. Australia, on par with most other Euro-American nations opts for heavy steel frames, seen as “the most diverse and technologically advanced system” (CoatesHire, 2014). Cities such as Hong Kong however offer a potentially more sustainable solution, the dried and treated plant, bamboo. 

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Glenn Murcutt // Recollections of a Student

While reading a piece entitled “Raised to Observe: Glenn Murcutt”, I decided to relate this interview to a personal experience for this particular post. Between July and December 2013, I was fortunate enough to have personally met and been a student of Professor Glenn Murcutt in his Regional Design Graduation Studio. It is only with hindsight that I realised it was in fact the first time the issues of sustainability and building systems had ever been raised in my design courses which perhaps does show that as a student of architecture, we don’t give much thought to how our design or the processes of realising our designs will actually impact on the environment. 

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