
One small voice.

Posts tagged suburbia
Sin in Suburbia

Sydney is a beautiful city. Of this I have no doubts. Indeed this city has been blessed with an endless expanse of blue skies and golden shorelines running from its northern shores to its southern reaches. But for me, this city also has a dark secret. Within a city of 3.6 million people, is a metropolitan area over twice the size of Hong Kong, a city of 7 million people. The desire for backyards, for individual homes and for large gardens is in my opinion this city’s single largest problem to achieving sustainability. There is great sin in developing suburbia.

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The Urburb

The Venice Biennale is arguably the most significant event on the architectural calendar, and in the months leading up to it, stories of upcoming exhibitions showcasing new critical, technical and formal strategies are bound to be released. A particularly interesting critical analysis caught my attention, discussing the issue of being “neither urban nor suburban” (Merin, 2014), coined, through the merging of two obvious terms, the urburb. 

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